quarta-feira, 21 de abril de 2010


“Não me deixes orar para ser protegido dos perigos,
         Mas ser ousado em enfrentá-los.
Não me deixes suplicar para aquietar a minha dor,
         Mas subjugá-la no coração.
Não me deixes procurar aliados no campo de batalha da Vida,
         Mas encontrá-los na minha própria força.
Não me deixes ansiar angustiado de temor para ser salvo,
         Mas com paciência esperar conquistar minha Libertação.”
(Benção para Todos)

quarta-feira, 14 de abril de 2010



Os buscadores iniciados nos mistérios da Ordem Rosacruz deparam-se, desde o início ou até mesmo antes de adentrarem à Senda Rosacruciana, com a frase: "A Paz Profunda", seja em suas monografias - onde o Mestre da Classe sempre as finaliza com "Com meus melhores de votos de Paz Profunda", seja ao entrar em contato com Frateres e Sorores (irmãos e irmãs) nomundo inteiro. Contudo, Paz Profunda não é apenas uma saudação, uma expressão, (ao menos não deve ser visto apenas como uma), usada por nós - Rosacruzes. 
Cabe ressaltar que a Antiga e Mística Ordem Rosacruz (AMORC) é antes de tudo uma Escola de Luz, na qual os estudantes têm a oportunidade de se libertarem das trevas da ignorância e da superstição, com isso escapando ao jugo dos manipuladores de massas e opressores de todas as formas de expressão voltadas para o bem-estar geral, que se sublima, individualmente, na Paz Profunda, o estado almejado pelos Rosacruzes. 

A Paz Profunda é o estado físico, mental e psíquico absolutamente harmônico, no qual a Lei da Dualidade já não pode se manifestar. Este estado configura o cerne das egrégoras da Ordem Rosacruz e de outras organizações fraternais empenhadas na evolução consciente, na expansão gradativa do poder de compreensão da verdadeira (e oculta) natureza da Luz, pois a Luz não veio das trevas, ela é um atributo do ser, pairando acima do reino da dualidade, longe do bem e do mal.
A Paz Profunda consiste no estado desejado por todos nós - estudantes Rosacruzes, e é a condição em que vivem os Mestres Ascensionados da Ordem Rosacruz Invisível (a Ordem Rosacruz Eterna, invisível - emanada continuamente pela Grande Fraternidade Branca, ligada deretamente à Grande Consciência Cósmica). Além disso, a Paz Profunda é o maior bem que pode ser alcançado por um místico, seja na vida dentro de seu corpo físico, seja na vida fora dele, é uma condição excelsa, um nível de autoconsciência sutil e ao mesmo tempo profundo - que não tem tempo nem espaço - que nele se confundem, criando círculos concêntricos de vibrações que atravessam todas os Planos da existência, acalenta e consola todos os seres, tirando-os - nem que seja momentâneamente - da aflição peculiar à matéria, na qual possam estar penando.

A Paz Profunda é a sensação nítida e inequívoca, a certeza absoluta, de se estar uno com o Todo, e saber que o Todo é uma grande Luz Eterna que não pode ser maculada por nada e que está em nós (no Deus de nosso coração). É um estado de consciência atingido mediante a abertura de portas de percepção para o Nirvana, para a Iluminação. É um nível metafísico de existência no qual, mergulhado por si próprio e imerso na sua própria virtude, em seu sanctum celestiam, o estudante Rosacruz pode, finalmente, assumir a condição de Rosacruz e nela se comprazer. 

Por fim, a Paz Profunda é condição na qual um estudante da Senda Rosacruciana pode assumir sua condição de Rosacruz, na qual os véus dos mistério lhe são levantados. É o extremo oposto à morte, é onde começa a vida em todos os sentidos, emanada em todos os níveis. É a Paz Mental, o estado de iluminação da mente individual na qual ela se une à Grande Cosnciência Cósmica .

Fonte desconhecida, se souber entre em contato

sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

The Rose+Croix of the Orient

A. Identity

Who were the Rosicrucians of the Orient (or Brethren of the Orient or Asiatic Brethren)?
What is their relation (if any) with the Rosicrucians of the 17th century or with the modern rosicrucian orders?
We quote from the introduction of the famous "Sacramentaire du Rose+Croix" (their Theurgy manual published by the late Robert Ambelain, who -- according to an article by Marcel Roggemans -- was the leader of the Order):

from the
Robert Ambelain

Translated from the French by Theodoulos (c) 2001


A. About the Order
The reader that would like to study the history of the rosicrucian movement (the genuine one, of the 17th and 18th centuries, and not some modern american "recostitutions" /1), will be interested in reading the book by Sedir: History and Doctrine of the Rose+Croix. To this we will add the work by Wittemans: History of the Rose+Croix, the small book by Serge Hutin: History of the Rose+Croix, our study: Templars and Rose+Croix. Thus, the not initiated reader will be sufficiently informed about the subject.

/1: Nevertheless, these orders are good schools of occultism, and their members are adequately prepared to enter into the traditionalinitiatic orders. (Note by Ambelain).

Their program can be summarized like this:
treatment of the sick,
anonymous help to individuals, to societies and even states (when their cause was legitimate),
political action aiming at the establishment of a Universal State -- firstly European, then World-wide,
religious action aiming at the re-establishment of a cleansed Cristianity, that would be closer to its source and would abandon the common exoteric imagery,
the Reintrgration of Man anf of the Nature into their primitive state.
This program was entrusted to less mysterious (i.e. less secret) organizations, that were closer to the profane world. Among these movements we will mention Martinism and Free - Masonry. As strange may appear this affirmation of ours, it is a fact that the two branches of Free - Masonry -- the rationalist and the spiritualist -- cooperate for the achievement of the general program of the Rose+Croix, in the political and sociological level. Martinism, on the other hand, is entrusted with a particular task that is more occult and esoteric.
For the realization of their vast plan, that extents in several centuries, the Rose+Croix used all traditional occult knowledge:
Alchemy and Spagyry
-- knowledge both natural and supernatural. Their doctrine combines the Christian Gnosis and the jewish Kabalah. Indeed, they are Christian Kabalists.
Their legendary founder, Christian Rosenkreutz, that allegedly lived in the 13th century in Germany, until now seems to "escape" every serious historic research. As a matter of fact, this name is a hieronyme , a sacred name.
In hebrew, roz (rosah) means "secrets"; rosen signifies "prince", while koroz means "herald". So, this name alludes to Keraziel, the "Herald of God", the Angel of Proclamation in the jewish angelology.
The name Rosenkreutz is German in appearence only; in fact, it is a name of ministry -- a transformation of the hebrew rosah koroz, which means "Herald of Secrets" or "Secret Herald". And this characterises perfectly the ministry or function of the Rose+Croix.
But what is this secret;
This name signifies God Himself in the esoteric scriptures: the Siphra Tzeniutha, the Talmud and the Holy Scripture, and particularly in the Book of Daniel (2.9) where it is stated that "God Himself is His Secret". So, Rosah Koroz is God's Herald, and the vehicle of Angel Keraziel.
We also observe thar Rosen means "Prince", which gives us a very similar signification: "Prince - Herald", Rosen Koroz.
Regarding the "Prince of the Royal Secret" in Free Masonry (Rite of Heredom and Scotish Rite), there is an evident relation with the primitive rosicrucian plan and its political realizations (...).

In the magazine "Initiation et Science" (1963, #57), Gerard Heym speaks about the Order of Asiatic Brothers or Knights of Saint John the Evangelist. This Order was re-organized in 1750 and then again in 1780; its See used to be in the city of Thessaloniki (Greece). This Order is none other than the Rosicrucian Brethren of the Orient.
Dr. Encausse (Papus) had received a lineage of them by a member of the Supreme Council of the Martinist Order, who himself had received a lineage in the city of Cairo (Egypt), before 1914. Inside Martinism of that era, no one else had such a lineage, not even Teder (Papus' successor).
We may state that the continent of Asia is completely irrelevant to this Order of esoteric chivalry. Actually, the letters ASIE reveal a quality; they constitute an abreviation or a seal. In fact, the Candidate -- on entering the Order -- received the ordination of Eques A Sancti Ioannis Evangelista (the initials are: EASIE).

B. Origins
In "Le Sanctuaire de Memphis" ("The Sanctuary of Memphis", published in 1849), Jacques - Etienne Marconis de Negre states the following, regarding the origin of this order.
(This is obviously the masonic tradition regarging the origin of the Rosicrucians of the Orient...).

The Sanctuary of Memphis
Jacques - Etienne Marconis de Negre

Translated from the French by Theodoulos (c) 2001

... the Brethren of the Orient, whose founder was an Egyptian wise man, named Ormus, that had been converted to Christianity by Saint Marc. Ormus purified the doctrine of the Egyptians with the teachings of Christian religion.
Meanwhile, the Essenians and other Jews had founded an School of the Solomonic Science; this School was united to the one by Ormus.

Untill 1118, Ormus' disciples were the only depositories of the ancient Wisdom of Egypt (purified by Christianity), as well as of the Templar Science. These were known as Knights of Palestine or Rosicrucian Brethren of the Orient, that the (Masonic) Rite of Memphis regards as its immediate founders.
In 1150, eighty-one of them arrived at Sweden, having Garimont as their leader, and presented themselves to the archbishop of Upsala, to whom they bequeathed the heritage of Masonic knowledge. These eighty-one Masons established Free-Masonry in Europe.

After the death of Jacques de Molay, the Scottish Templars, apostats at the king's (Robert Bruce's) instigation, gathered under the standards of a new Order that this prince had instituted. The receptions in this Order were based in those of the Order of the Temple. Here is the origin of the Scottish Masoic Rite -- and of the other Masonic Rites as well.

The Scottish Templars were excommunicated by Larmenius in 1324.
This date agrees with the one given by Br. Chereau, regarding the separation of the Masons of Edimbourg with the Masons of Memphis: 1322, which is two years earlier.
The Masons of Memphis rested faithful to the ancient traditions; the others founded a new Rite, called Rite of Heredom de Kilwinning or of Scotland.
Thus, from the late 14th century, two Rites exist: the Rite of Memphis or of the Orient and the Scottish one. Both continue to attract followers all over Europe.
However, this is not the only tradition regarding the origins of the Order.
Mark Stavish, in his book "Kabbalah and the Hermetic Tradition", writes:
Claiming connection with an ancient Order of a 'Rosicrucian character', dating back to 1643, and having Heinrich Khunrath, Alexander Sethon, Sendivogius, and Boehme among its ranks, the Society of Unknown Philosophers also linked itself to "Les Freres d' Orient" created in Constantinople in 1090. The teachings of this society were conveyed from teacher to disciple and their principle unifying form was the distinction of receiving "The Initiation" which gave them the right to be known as "Unknown Superiors" or "Superieurs Inconnus" or S.I. as it is written.

C. The Doctrine
According to R. Ambelain, the Doctrine of the Brethren of the Orient can be summarised in six points:

Points taken from the
I N T R O D U C T I O N of the
by Robert Ambelain
1. Creation
God is Eternal, Infinite and Absolute, without any need; being Perfect, He is also infinitely Benign and Wise, as well as Almighty.
2. The preexistence of the Souls
3. The Temptation and the Original Sin
4. Redemption of Man
5. Redemption of Nature
6. The Apocatastasis or Final Reintegration

Fonte clique Aqui
Imagem: Nicolas Roerich

quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2010

Song for the Funeral... (MM)

“Solemn strikes the funeral chime,
Notes of our departing time;
As we journey here below,
Through a pilgrimage of woe!”
p. 118

“Mortals, now indulge a tear,
For Mortality is here:
See how wide her trophies wave
O’er the slumbers of the grave!

“Here another guest we bring.
Seraphs of celestial wing,
To our funeral altar come:
Waft this friend and brother home.

“Lord of all! below–above–
Fill our hearts with truth and love;
When dissolves our earthly tie,
Take us to thy Lodge on High.”


A Cabala fonética que autoriza a mudar as vogais permitia ocultar aos olhos do profano a verdadeira natureza dos símbolos dos iniciados.

Também, numerosos Martinistas, para despistar curiosos, empregavam freqüentemente em seus escritos o termo "pentáculo" com um "e” no lugar de "a". Podemos observar que estas duas ortografias implicam compreensões muito diferentes, a primeira está muito distante do significado profundo de nosso símbolo.

Sem dúvida é a uma ortografia diferente que convém relacionar a palavra "Pantáculo" que se escreve com "a". Neste caso provém do grego "Panta", que significa "o todo". Segundo o Martinista Adolphe Desbarolles, "Pantáculo" provém de "Pantaculum", que significa "o que contém todas as coisas”.

Segundo Papus, o Pantáculo é um esquema do todo e resume em um único símbolo um número de conhecimentos relacionados com as leis e princípios que regem o universo. Para Stanislas de Guaita, um Pantáculo é o resumo hieroglífico de toda uma doutrina. Não encontraremos esta palavra nos dicionários comuns, já que se trata de neologismo próprio da Tradição Martinista.